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I cannot register my new voice recorder -- Model ICD - PX470. I cannot select requested fields. When it asks what country I purchased the recorder, there is no entry for the United States. There was another question (which I don't remember now. It said to choose one of the options, and it had up and down arrows. But when I clicked on up or down, no options appeared. These are required to be done before I can register.
Given the fa ct that there are malfunctions in the registration screen that keep me from completing my registration, what can I do to register mly product?
Furthermore, the "I am not a robot" tests ARE ludicrous. I say ludicrous for two reasons: First, I had to select from up to five pages of photos. Secondly, the photos that I am to choose from are so small, that I cannot tell whether or not there is a street, or a bus, in the photo.
But once again, how can I regisgter this product, given a faulty registration page?
Hi Marci, Welcome to the Sony UK Community
Could it be that you have visited Sony UK by mistake? Products purchased in the US should be registered via Hopefully that will resolve most of those issues.