Vintage Sony WM 501

Vintage Sony WM 501

I have just found what I believe is a quite rare sony walkman of mine that I bought back in the 80's It is a Walkman WM 501 in white. It is perfect condition with no scratches and works perfectly comes with original hard case, original rechargeable batteries and charger and also dc adapter. Anyone know if there is a market for this apart from ebay as not sure of value. Any comments or suggestions would be helpful.

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Hi there


I couldnt tell you if there is a market for vintage walkmans.  Value-wise, its only worth what someone is willing to pay....


I did find this ebay site though, which you may have seen:



Hi discoverytd5,

welcome to the Sony User Community Forum..:smileyhappy:


Nice find did that model come with the additional hard carry case.?..

It's amazing what you can find lying around I believe the WM501 was sold towards the end of the 80's can't give you an idea of price though but would you really want to part with it after all these years.?

Yes it has to go, no tapes

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Guess so because not having any tapes does make it kind off useless, although you can still pick these up from record shops, boot sales etc..

Do you still have it? Are you willing to sell it? How much would you ask? I would like to buy it... Thanks