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CMT-G2BNiP - Music services vtuner not working since last 3 days.


CMT-G2BNiP - Music services vtuner not working since last 3 days.


hi all, I have CMT-G2BNiP  and been using it since last 6 months without any issues. From 5th of july i am facing a problem with connectiing to vtuner via the music services menu. It just gives the message  cannot connect.

i have checked the wifi connections and it all works fine. i can even do airplay from my ipad. It is just the music services (only vtuner) that has gone down.


Any one else facing this issue? Any help appreciated.


Note; i live in the UK so not sure if thre is any issue with UK servers/DB of vtuner/sony





Same here. I've not had my Sony STR-DN1040 for very long and one of the features that led to selecting this model was access to vTuner services, which I've enjoyed tremendously.


To find that all of a sudden the vTuner service is simply "unavailable" with no further information is frustrating.


Out of interest I just ran some checks on service availability of the Sony Entertainment Network, and their page basically says everything is fine, with no planned maintenance ongoing. Riiight.


Reluctantly I've updated the firmware version (as prompted by the amp a week or so ago, but I am not a believer of doing that immediately upon availability. Yes, that's because I've worked in the IT sector and know the golden rule is to let someone else try it first..) Anyway that's made no difference whatsoever.


I was even hoping that the update may resolve the poor handling of HDMI passthrough this amp is infamous for. i.e. it should be possible to have the amp in standby and signals are still sent to your TV etc, but no, that's not been fixed either. So on that one I find myself wondering what the update will have done at all, as I can find zero information on its purpose whatsoever. For those interested my 1040 is now running s9327.1092.0


So here I am with an amp I bought with that feature high on my list of "wants". It now no longer works, and there is no information within Sony as to what is happening, why it is happening and when the service will resume.


From a service outage perspective, that sucks, big time, and I have to say I am disappointed of this sort of service coming from a company such as Sony. It's all very well saying ah but this is free, which is where I'd counter with, so what? It was part of the advertised features of the product and is not there now. If everyone's amp suddenly stopped working with FM services I suspect there may be a bit more noise on this one.


What would be nice is for Sony to explain what has happened and when the service will be reinstated. 

I think that's the least we can expect as customers that have passed our hard earned cash to them.




What Sony should have done from the off is allow us the option of adding stations by their stream URL/IP instead of relying on a portal such as Vtuner. 

Not applicable

@drdeej wrote:

What Sony should have done from the off is allow us the option of adding stations by their stream URL/IP instead of relying on a portal such as Vtuner. 



Hi there


Its actually quite common and needed to be honest - I have a net radio (Roberts) and it uses the wifi-frontier portal.  Many people will require a portal at least initially as its a central place to finding stations of interest.  Its only when things go wrong.......




What the heck is going on? I am just back from vacation and realised that vtuner doesnt work no more.

Consumer court?

Anyone got it working?

Hello i sent a email to sony asking why the vtuner was unavailable .read the reply below.

Thank you for your patience.


We have just received an update regarding your case, and the update is that Native App implementation of the vTuner service on Sony connected consumer electronic products are currently unavailable due to service provider related issues. As a result both services have been off-lined as of 08/09/14 at approximately 3:53 CET to minimize the negative customer experience.


If you require any further assistance in the future, please do not hesitate to reply back to this E-mail.



Yours Sincerely,  


Sony Customer Support


Spudkin - what email id did you use for this? Did they give any ETA?



Can someone from sony clarify this and provide us an ETA when the Vtuner will be fixed. At this point the system is as good as a good old CD player !


please can you clarify. We all are waiting in anticipation after paying good money for the features we once used to enjoy.




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 I have raised a query to Vtuner - hopefully they will know something..:smileysilly:


hi support,

for the last few weeks we are having problems accessing music services vtuner services from our sony systems. I say we because many of us are facing the issue. I have contacted sony and they havent been able to provide us a convincing response with an ETA on when it will be available again.

Can vtuner provide us an update on what could be the issue and when it will be resolved. It was all working well up untill last 2 weeks. 

I live in the UK and the model of the sony system I use is CMT-G2BNIP

I am on the latest firm ware as well.

Any ideas?

I am missing vtuner channels so please can you shed some light on what could be the issue and an ETA for this?


I just received this answer:

Geachte Heer / Mevrouw,

Bedankt voor uw contact met Sony Support.

Momenteel is Sony niet in de mogelijkheid om een concrete datum en tijdstip
te vermelden wanneer V-tuner weer zal werken. Sony biedt zijn excuses hier
voor aan.

In English:

Thanks for contacting Sony Support

At this moment Sony has no possibility to mention an exact date and time
from when on V-tuner will be working again. Sony appologices ffor this.


here is the email i used.