Giga-Juke NAS-S55HDE


Giga-Juke NAS-S55HDE

The on/off light on the unit flashes red. I have looked at the manual and, as instructed, have inspected the speaker cables and connections and can find nothing untoward. Can anyone tell me before I take it to an authorised repair place if there is anything else I can check. Although the unit is some 4 - 5 years old it has never been misused and has only been used sparingly.


Any thoughts/comments gratefully received.


Hi there, I have also got this problem!!!!!!

I bought my giga juke approx 4 yrs ago, went on holiday not long a goand switched off the power/  Since I have returned, when I switched it back on, I just get the red flashing light!

I was told to take it to my nearest Sony repair centre (20 miles away).  I paid £25 to have it looked at as i was told that my model was repairable.

 A week later they told me, sorry Sony don't make the parts for this any more!

To say i am FURIOUS is an understatement!!!!  I've bought Sony for 20 years and decided to buy the giga juke as it was supposed to be the "All singing All dancing" model and not cheap either.  So to be told after nly 4 years I can't get it repaired is disappointing to say the least.

My unit too has been well looked after, as have all my sony products.

If you do manage to get a better responce than me, PLEASE let me know!