mx750ni - doesnt store presets?


mx750ni - doesnt store presets?

is there any way to get the mx750ni to store internet radio presets? every station i try says 'not available'

Message was edited by: b00son


Hi, I have the same problem with mx 700ni. Sony support initially blamed vTuner, so I contacted vTuner - see vTuner answer bellow. It is really a shame that such a crucial function does not work and I can not understand that Sony started to sell it without it.

Dear Mirek

There are over 100 products in the market based on vTuner, and all  of them except SONY have a “favourites” feature – ie a special folder on  the top level menu where you can store those radio stations and  podcasts which you listen to regularly.  The SONY products are the only  ones which do not support this feature, and this is a decision of SONY.

We have sadly had a large number of complaints for SONY customers,  but the lack of this feature is nothing to do with vTuner. For us it is a  standard feature offered to all of our brand customers.

I suggest that you contact SONY customer service and point out that  products from Onkyo, Yamaha, Pioneer and Denon all support this  “favourites” function, and are all powered by vTuner.  Maybe SONY could  improve its product specification and offer unhappy customers such as  yourself a firmware upgrade to add this feature?

Kind regards

Steve Tomlinson

Director - Partner Support

So like I said earlier. Sony is making fun of us. Grand thank you Sony. That is very kind of you :slight_smile:

Regards all

I too have had a "sorry, no solution" response from the Sony helpdesk about my MX750Ni . I find it unacceptable that a reputable company can publish product details online but then refuse to support a key feature described there, especially one as important as presets on internet radio stations, a feature which is supported on competing products.

As disappointed customers, we can do what all customers can do: tell others, for example via the product review facility provided by so many internet sales outlets. That will help to stop others from falling for Sony misleading claims, and maybe put pressure on Sony to fix the problem.

Imagine the impact on sales if every internet search for reviews on the MX750 or MX700 brings up "do not buy this product ... if you expect it to do what Sony claims it will do..." I do hope Sony gets the message and fixes the problem because it is in many ways a good product.

In my country (poland) I have already written a few opinion about mx700ni. Of course on each I said that the function preset doesn't work. Sony in eamil to me wrote that they need more time to verify our problem :smileyhappy:.  I thing they won't fix this problem. It is sad. I have many of product by Sony and other are fine.

Actually my unit is a MX700NI, but I've the same boring trouble, no way to preset a single internet station. I think is a major problem since it makes this model almost unusable to listen to internet station, shall I spend a huge amount of time everytime I want to choose a station?

I've asked Sony about this, as soon as I've got any answer I let you all know unless one of you can give us a -good- solution.

I think Sony has to do something very soon. From my side I'll wait still some 2 months, then I'll bring my unit back to my seller's Technical Service just saying the item doesn't work -no preset-. Which is a very stupid way but it's the only 1 left.

Hi all

I got my cmt-mx750ni today and on the music service menu it has a preset folder above the vtuner folder.

I have had no trouble selecting or storing stations.


I tried again yesterday having heard from previous message that it works, and, can you believe it, it stores my presets! It seems Sony have done something or have had vTuner do something. Too bad that my mx700ni now talks to me in German, but storing presets is an improvement after all. Maybe our complaints have worked after all! Thanks everyone for phoning Sony.

Same to me, can nowdays store stations but have to read in german. maybe I have to reinstall my device.

Do any of you know if its only possible to listen to vTuner stations wich stream MP3 not WMA?

Good news - Sony upgraded their vTuner access and Internet radio preset is now working well (Czech Republic). The vTuner worked in German language for several days, but now it is back in English. It took some time to solve it, but Thank you Sony.