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STR-DN1040 and Boston Acoustics Soundware XS

STR-DN1040 and Boston Acoustics Soundware XS

The subwoofer with the BA system has an auto-shutdown system that cannot be controlled by the user. It's been driving me crazy switching on and off randomly until I took a look at the 1040 manual. However, I'm a little confused by the manual's instructions:

"Confirm active subwoofer setup
• When a subwoofer is connected, turn on the subwoofer and turn up the volume prior to activating the subwoofer. Turn the LEVEL to just before the mid-point.
• If you connect a subwoofer with a crossover frequency function, set the value to maximum.
• If you connect a subwoofer with an auto standby function, set it to off (deactivated)."

Does the third point mean to turn off the crossover frequency function?

Apologies for the stupid question, but I don't even understand what cross-over frequency means!