Vtuner not working


Vtuner not working


I have not been able to access vtuner since Friday 5th September, I reported it to sony yesterday and the reply was "Unfortunately, our systems are currently down for maintenance and will be up and running within 24 hours, Please feel free to contact us again at that time.". 

Has anyone else not been able to access vtuner for 4days, it seems that being reliant on just one internet radio supplier may be like putting all of your eggs in one basket.

Having not had the internet radio service for 4 days I feel this is unacceptable, does anyone feel the same?

304 REPLIES 304

Ironically the radiofrontier provider (aka Frontier Silicone) adrhurt mentions is administered by vTuner! I do agree it is far superior in that you have more control over your device's internet rdio eg manually adding new stations or streams.


My Roberts radio uses it and it's good.


@BollyDave wrote:

Overreaction? Not at all.....


Clear, concise and to the point, very eloquently put BollyDave! :thumbsup:


For interest I have had no response from vTuner either, I wrote to them earlier this week.


Of interest I notice that the vTuner radio is different depending on what Sony devices you own. On my STR-DN1040 receiver the GUI is very minimalist giving the user the option to trawl through the various genre sub headings and or station names. That's about it, no fancy graphical display.


On the other hand, my Sony BDP-S7200 Blu-ray the GUI has had a make over and would not look out of place at your local primary school. The GUI is graphic based, the user selects from a number of coloured icons representing the various genres. Admittedly it looks more visually appealing at first glance but is quite difficult to find what you're looking for. I'm also convinced that there are fewer stations on the Blu-ray player.


Still we musn't grumble, vTuner is indeed alive once more and all any of us can hope is that it stays that way.


Will we ever find the real cause for the recent loss of service? I guess the various parties involved are still running a competition on the most favourable excuse to use. LOL!!

The User Manual is your friend..., seek forth and ye shall find answers. Can't find any? Join the club, we have all the answers here, occasionally they're even right! :wink: Dr.Slinky McVelvet - Inventor of the word 'Mellifluous' - 30.12.14

What I am so annoyed about is the fact that on my initial enquiry to Sony
Customer Services, I was told there was a problem with my unit and given
the number of the nearest service company - who would have charged me £40
to "look" at the thing regardless of any repair being needed.

.......and no, I did not receive ANY response from vTuner.

vTuner is working on my Sony CMT-G2NiP .. and I enjoy it 🙂

It has been on since Friday night. At least here in Austria.


Again, Vtuner isn't working from France...  ðŸ˜ž

And again, Sony says nothing relevant



**** !!



No vTuner connection from the Netherlands since yesterday evening!!!






FYI - It is working in Germany, it appears that Sony and/or VTuner has done some sort of a station update so a number of my presets get the response "Can't Play". When I go into the station list and select something it works fine.


Big problem is that some of my favorites are no longer listed; I have seen this before with my other Internet radio and it usually has to do with the licensing deal / fees between the Radio station and the listing service which in this case is VTuner.




Please do not have a repeat of what we went through a few months ago. It would help your brand loyal consumers and company image to communicate with us when there are changes so that we know what to expect.


Thank you,


Yes you are right, it is not all the radios, only the ones I used to listen Soma FM (s), Size Radio....


I noticed that yesterday. I listen to ABC Lounge web radio and getting can't play message while other stations ok! I know station online as have backup player. Sent message to ABC Lounge, see what response if any. Being cynical, backlash from Sony for the tirades flung at them for their last performance with loss of all vTuner service!




Sony have put out a statement about the new vTuner outage on some Sony devices here: http://www.sony.co.uk/support/en/content/cnt-hn/prd-tvhc/internet-radio-stations


You can be kept up to date with any new developments here: http://community.sony.co.uk/t5/home-cinema-projectors-players/vtuner-offline-on-some-devices-nov-201...

