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I have a KDL-40WE663 on a wired 200mb/s broadband connection with little other activity on the network.
I don't use the i-player often but have noticed a relatively quick display of the various programme options, etc. but once I connect to play an item - be it a film or a standard programme - the whole thing pauses, I get the roundel for about 5 seconds before playback resumes for about 20-30 seconds before pauses again - repeat, repeat, repeat. It's driving me up the wall!
I have the v8.631-1000-4.000-002 firmware (latest I think).
The BBC app data shows:
Build time Thur Feb 20 2025 11:04:12 GMT+00:00
Beta mode - tried YES and NO - no difference in playback pauses
Environment LIVE
Screen resolution 1280x720
Layout resolution 1280x720
Tried it with both normal and high quality settings - no change
Channel4, for example, is 100% fine, no pausing, no roundels.
Anyone got any ideas?
Further update to this issue of what appears to be buffering on the BBC i-player app - either by the green button (for catch-up tv) or directly accessing the i-player app. On a 200mb/s little utilised broadband wired link.
I have contacted the BBC and they indicate that the KDL-40WE663 is, they say: "I have had a look at our supported models list, and unfortunately, the 40WE633 is not listed".
This sounds very much like a software incompatibility between the SONY (v.8.631) and the updated BBC i-player software - all was well prior to the BBC updating their app. Even the BBC app reports the Device as SONY-TV-2017_MIDRANGE_2k-FVP - which sounds about right for the SONY v.8.631 software of 2017.
Is it not time for SONY to update the likes of the BBC to add this model (range) of TV to their support list - or is there possibly some other issue going on that the BBC update has caused this issue and something that can be fixed locally, i.e. by me?
Hi @dave188, try the steps below:
1. 1. Disconnect all externals.
2. Unplug the TV from the mains and leave it for 1 minute and then plug it back.
3. Connect the TV to another internet source (e.g. mobile hotspot) and test again.
4. In case issue persists, perform a factory data reset: Press HOME, then select [Settings] → [System settings] → [Customer support] → [Factory settings]→ [OK].
If the issue remains, I'd recommend contacting Sony and report what you mentioned in your post to consider your feedback in future software.
Thanks Maggie
I had been thinking of trying a different input/data source for the i-Player, but time kept getting in the way. I did try the power-off, leave for 10 minutes (a bit overkill), power-on and clearing the cache - but not the full factory reset. No improvement.
OK, I think we're getting somewhere with it. I've tried two alternative data inputs for the tv:
1. via the mobile phone data network via my Samsung A51 phone, and
2. wired via my old broadband via copper wires on fibre to the cabinet around 1 mile away (still live).
Download data speeds on the mobile phone showed at around 2.0mb/s down and 1.2mb/s up. i-Player works with a short initial pause then works fine but with suspect picture quality. Think this picture quality could be expected at such a slow data speed.
Download data speeds on the copper broadband (35mb/s package with 31mb/s down and 7.9mb/s up) and all works well with good picture quality - no pauses.
While wired via the fast-fibre broadband router (200mb/s package with 179mb/s down and 162mb/s up) the picture continually pauses every 20-30 seconds - hence my initial query.
At this time, I am fortunate to have a "deal" for full fibre from one supplier with a continuation of the old copper broadband from my earlier provider. But this situation won't last for ever - sooner or later the old copper connection will be disconnected and I shall be left with a pausing i-Player - back where I started in effect.
Currently the old router has it's wi-fi turned off so that it doesn't interfere with the full fibre router.
I expect that someone, somewhere within SONY will simply say, it's an old tv and not capable of resolving the full fibre data speeds. But surely, the age of the tv - only around 5 years old - should not be an issue and, with any luck, a software update will be able to effect a "cure".
I'm not sure where to turn to with this issue. Any further thoughts of somehow getting around the "robot/AI" on the support desk and being able to actually discuss the issue with a human? Or is this Community Board the best way of getting a resolution?
Thanks in the hope of getting this tv back into full working order - on full fibre speeds.