Dark streaks on screen of 40" Bravia


Dark streaks on screen of 40" Bravia


Over the past few weeks I've noticed a dark streak going down the middle of the screen of my 40" KDL-40V3000. This seems to be more noticable when watching football.

The TV is 2 1/2 years old (6 months out of warranty and shock - it starts to play up!)

I've scanned the net and it seems I'm not alone with this issue. Another chap has the same issue with his Sony TV and posted a picture on the following forum....


This hasn't really been answered on this site so I was wondering if anyone on here has experienced this or can maybe diagnose from seeing the image?

I'm unsure what to do from here. Although the warranty has run out, this should not happen to a 2 1/2 yr old TV that cost nearly £1000 when released. Is it cost effective to fix? should I just replace it?? or is there a slim chance Sony will help?

Any advice would be a great help.


Has anyone heard anything from StartTheCar??   I was wondering if he had heard anything more as to wether the V series is being looked in to after the announcement he made last month regarding the X and W panels.

His user page shows he's not been online since 1st June and there is no recent forum activity displayed.


We bought our KDL-40v3000 in April 2008 and noticed 3 thin darker lines on the left hand side of the screen last year, these have now spread and are not as defined, but are several inches wide and particularly noticeable when watching football!

Must be enough of us now!!



im exeriencing the same problems with the 40v3000 ive also posted on the other 4v3000 thread!

£1000 well spent!!


i too have a 40" v3000 bravia black streaks started appearing last december but at first thought bit of dust or cold conditions as per user manual. now mid summer definintely not cold and streaks getting worse just found site and am well worried now. Tv is only just out of warranty like everyone else.  i too have several Sony products and if i dont get satisfaction will switch loyalty. come on Sony do the decent thing and accept you have a problem .


Ill join the list too as i have 40v3000 same problem. Posted on loads of sites now but not really getting any help on what to do? Currys have offered a look at but it will cost £60! £60 to be told what i already know that the screen is ***** lol

Message was edited by: -frank-


I have the same TV 40" KDL 40V 3000 I paid £899 in the sale 2 1/2 years ago, streaks started emerging therefor I called the sony help line.  They could do nothing for me other than give me a case number, advised me to put this into writing.  I consequently put this in writing with a copy of my rececipt (proof of purchase) and a copy of similar issues on av forum.  They replied that stating that they were not prepared to help and couldn't offer any goodwill on this product.  They advised that it needed to be taken to an authorised dealer (50 miles away) when it could then be inspected.  The symtoms of fault are identical to all listed on this web page!

Sony are not prepared to help, I have worked for similar multi national companyand when there is a known fault business will never make admissions to manufacturers defects.  The sony playstation 3 yellow light of death is a typical example, as highlighted by bbc's watchdog.


I also have the same problem with my 40v3000 which was purchased in October 2007. The problem started just after the 3 year warranty expired. I tried upgrading the hdml cable in case it was a reception problem - this seemed to help a bit but now the problem is worsening.

I have also changed some of the settings suggested by another subscriber but this reduces the picture quality considerably.

As with other subscribers I have always been willing to pay a bit extra and buy Sony and the tv is the first time I have had a problem but it has completely put me off buying Sony again.

Come on Sony help us restore our confidence in your products.


I have found myself in the same boat as well, Purchased on December 2007 KDL40V3000. since last few month started as back screen frlickring and now it very worse sometime half of left side of TV get blacken and see ghost pic through it. Up graded hdmi cable with expensive one no impruvment.

I have also changed some of the settings suggested by another subscriber but no change and quality got worse.

Life long been a Sony buyer but now time to call it off. Product are not as good quality, customer service it zero.


Further to my posting of 17 August I wrote to Sony who said they needed a detailed repair estimate and they would then consider any direct assistance to resolve the matter. I paid the £48 charge and the repair man took one look at the screen and said that it was a common problem that they referred to as "watermarks". He was in the house for 2 minutes to earn the £48.

The repair report stated that I needed a GM LCD PANEL at a cost of £378.95!!!!!!

I sent this to Sony and their reply which I have just received said "Sony products are supplied with a guarantee to protect customers in the event that the product fails. In the absence of any additional or extended guarantee repairs outside of the 1 year Sony guarantee becomes chargeable. Having considered different factors Sony is not prepared to offer any form of goodwill assistance"

This issue was dealt with by the Customer Information Centre so doubt whether it has been considered at a higher level.

Sony's customer care has sunk to an all time low and I for one will boycott their goods in future. £48 well and truly wasted.



Please add your story to the watchdog links in this thread https://www.sony.co.uk/discussions/message/688144#688144

and also post the link to that thread in your report to them, thankyou.