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Poštovani, obratila sam vam se 27. veljače 2015. s problemom na Sony Bravia televizoru starom 2 godine, 2 mjeseca i 17 dana. Uočili smo crtu dužinom cijelog ekrana za koju je VAŠ serviser (Servis Kiki u Splitu) utvrdio da je riječ o grešci ekrana. Napominjem da je riječ o greški nastaloj zbog LOŠE kvalitete ugrađenog ekrana, a ne o kvaru kojeg smo na bilo koji način sami uzrokovali. U trenutku obraćanja vama, televizor je bio tek 2 mjeseca i 17 dana izvan garantnog roka. Od vas sam tražila (i dalje tražim) da kvar popravite pod istim uvjetima kao da je televizor još u garantnom roku, budući televizor nije proizvod od kojeg bi očekivali da traje 2 godine. Televiziju Sony kupili smo smatrajući da kupujemo brend koji nam garantira KVALITETU, POVJERENJE i SIGURNOST, pa smo bili spremni i platiti te prednosti. Naravno da smo mogli kupiti jeftiniji proizvod neke manje renomirane i razvikane marke, ali vjerovali smo da brend nosi sa sobom i spomenute vrline, a ne samo veću cijenu. Televizor koji pokaže mane čim izađe iz garancije, dakle nakon dvije godine korištenja, zasigurno se ne može nazvati kvalitetnim. Nadali smo se da ćete kao tvrtka i kao brend Sony barem vi pokazati KVALITETU, POVJERENJE i SIGURNOST te nam popraviti kvar koji je i nastao lošom kvalitetom ugrađenih djelova. Nažalost, moram konstatirati da nakon mjesec dana prepiske, telefonskih razgovora, odlazaka serviseru, NISTE udovoljili našem zahtjevu da nam televizor popravite, čime ste pokazali da je ona priča o KVALITETI, POVJERENJU i SIGURNOSTI bila tek mit stvoren da svoje proizvode možete prodavati naivcima koji još uvijek vjeruju u vaš brend. Također me vrijeđa i vaša ideja da nam ponudite vaučer u vrijednosti 30% cijene novog Sony televizora. Naime, pokazali ste nam da je Sony kao prvo nekvalitetan proizvod s vijekom trajanja od dvije godine. Drugo, pokazali ste da se na vas kao tvrtku i kao brend ne možemo niti malo osloniti. Odakle vam pomisao da bi opet kupila Sony? Sljedeći televizor koji kupim zasigurno neće biti marke Sony, a možete mi vjerovat na riječ da ću svoje iskustvo podijeliti sa svim ljudima do kojih uspijem doći, od rodbine, prijatelja, foruma, pa i drugih medija. Još jedna stvar koja me strašno smeta jest i činjenica da se do nikoga od vaših nadležnih ne može doći, niti je moguće dobiti njihov kontakt, pa vas molim (i tražim) da im ovaj mail proslijedite. Bilo bi previše nadati se da će mi se netko relevantan javiti, iako mislim da bi to bio red, a pokazalo bi i barem trunku odgovornosti prema kupcima od kojih u krajnjoj liniji žive. U svakom slučaju, ovakvim odnosom i odlukom izgubili ste jednog kupca, a sebi ste napravili jako lošu reklamu. Srdačan vam pozdrav
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Hi, it looks like the problem is fixed. Yesterday they called me from Sonya and they told me to have decided to extend my warranty for the TV for another 3 months. This would mean that the TV repair during the warranty period. That's what I was looking for. If you are in any way influenced the decision of my heart I thank you. As soon as the problem solve (now go to the service center) on the forum will be happy to commend the company. Greetings from Split, Irena
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I spoke to you on February 27 2015, the problem of the Sony Bravia
TV old 2 years, 2 months and 17 days. We have noticed the line length
widescreen for which your Service (Service Kiki in Split) found that
it is an error screen. Please note that this is an error because the resulting
POOR quality built-in screen, not the defect that we in any way
self-inflicted. At the time of writing to you, the TV was only 2 months
and 17 days outside of the warranty period. You've asked for (still looking) to
defect repair under the same conditions as if the TV is still in warranty
period, since television is not the product of which would be expected to last for two
Television Sony we bought thinking that buying a brand that guarantees us
QUALITY, confidence and security, so we were willing to pay, and
advantages. Of course we could buy a cheaper product of a less
renowned and widely publicized brands, but we believed that the brand carries and
mentioned virtues, not only a higher price.
The TV show that disadvantages coming up out of warranty, so after two
the use, certainly can not be called quality. We hoped
that you as a company and as a brand Sony at least you show QUALITY,
Confidence and security, and we fix the defect that is created and poor
quality embedded parts.
Unfortunately, I have to say that after a month of correspondence, telephone
conversation, departures service, NOT satisfy our request to us
television repair, which you have shown that it is a story about the quality,
Confidence and security was only a myth created that their products can
sell patsies who still believe in your brand.
You insult me and your idea to offer us a voucher worth 30%
Prices of the new Sony TVs. Namely, you have shown us that Sony first
substandard product with a shelf life of two years. Secondly, showed
you to to you as a company and as a brand we can not rely on a bit.
Where did you get the idea to turn bought Sony?
The following TV that I buy will definitely not be Sony, and we can
believe the word I will use my experience to share with all the people to whom
I can get, from relatives, friends, forums, and other media.
Another thing that bothers me immensely is the fact that to any of
your superior can not come, nor is it possible to get their contact, so you
please (and ask) that their forward this mail. It would be too much to hope
that we are one relevant answer, although I think it was his turn, and
it would show the least bit of responsibility towards customers of which in the end
line live.
In any case, this ratio and the decision you've lost a single customer, and
themselves have made a very bad publicity.
Best regards to you
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Hi and welcome to the Community
Thank you for posting in English.
Unfortunately no Sony staff post on the forum, this is a user / fan based forum where we try to help each other and have a little fun too.
I'm sorry you've had such a bad time.
I don't quite undersatnd if your television has been repaired or not, or if Sony are charging you for the repair.
Where did you buy your television? Are you in the UK?
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Unfortunately, Sony have not fixed problem on my TV, but he offered me to buy a new Sony TV with 30% discount! I am from Croatian, Split (the most beautiful city in the world!). Very sad, Irena
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Hi Irena
I would be sad too.
There may not be anything we can do but I will escalate this and hopefully someone may contact you in a couple of days.
Are your contact details correct on your profile here?
Also do you have any reference numbers with your contact with Sony?
Have you tried posting on the Croatian forum too?
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Hi, it looks like the problem is fixed. Yesterday they called me from Sonya and they told me to have decided to extend my warranty for the TV for another 3 months. This would mean that the TV repair during the warranty period. That's what I was looking for. If you are in any way influenced the decision of my heart I thank you. As soon as the problem solve (now go to the service center) on the forum will be happy to commend the company. Greetings from Split, Irena