USB Video File Format

USB Video File Format

How can I get my Sony Bravia KLV-32BX310 to play any other formats apart from MPEG? Does anyone have an idea please?


Can somebody help US pleaaaaaaaase.

I have the same problem

Not applicable

Hi there

If you are streaming the files via a Laptop/PC all you need to do is install a program called Homestream.

If by any chance you are playing them via a USB drive, you will need to convert the files into something the TV will recognise (ie MP4 etc)

Hope that helps.

Dear Quinnicus,

Thanks, but this does not help.

I feel this is a bit cumbersome for me to convert every video to MP4 before I can view it on my TV. This is partly due to the fact that I do not have a converter on my laptop. I was thinking SONY would ask me to do an upgrade on my TV to be able to view all formats. Doesn't SONY offer this service?


Not applicable

Hi there

I can understand your frustration, I too play a lot of video files from my laptop to the TV, and the only way I do this (that keeps me sane) is to use a program called Serviio (Homestream was built on the Serviio Software). This software converts the files automattically for you, to play on a device that may or maynot support the video format/codec.

There is also much more than just supporting the video container (ie MP4, MPG, AVI), the TV must also support the video codec that the video container use. There are alot and I mean a lot of video container formats and codecs in use today.

When my TV or PS3 doesnt do something that I want it to, I remind myself that its a TV or a games console.

There are also many free video converter software available, just google it. If you have a large amount of files, many of them will covert in large batches (just leave it running over night)

I know these are not the answers you want, and many people have the same issue as you, thats why Homestream was developed.
