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Clie and Sony-Ericsson P800


Clie and Sony-Ericsson P800


There seems to be a general trend for PDAs to try to become phones and phone try to become PDAs. I recently bought a Sony Ericsson P800 and am very impressed with it. Does anyone think that the P800 or Sony Ericsson phones will ever merge with the Clie range? :smileyconfused::

Lot's of noise


Hi tnook

Don't have a Sony Ericsson, but do have a Clie NX70, and very pleased with it. There's doesn't seem to be a combined phone/PDA from Sony on the horizon at the moment, and I certainly haven't seen any rumours of one on any of the US Clie forums.

Sony seem to be concentrating on building a comprehensive range of PDAs, from the basic up to the high-end NZ series. They appear to be concentrating on creating PDAs that function as both PDA and entertainment centre - mp3 player, stills camera with flash, movie recorder, Flash player and so on. If they manage to fit in a phone as well, the final result is going to end up the same size as a laptop anyway. But who knows...


I have a Clié 73 and a P900 and sometimes synchronisation does leave me thinking that a combined unit would be better. Multiple alarms from two devices can be distracting :slight_frown: , but I have used a palm based phone - a Treo270, and it's too big for a phone and too small for an organiser.
I will stay with having the two, and just delete multiple instance of appointments til I can sync properly :slight_smile:


I have a Clié TH55 and a P910i and as far as i am concerned the P910i is a combined PDA and phone.