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Hello guys,
I've bought my vaio in the UK and now I'm in Brazil, wich is located in a different "DVD region", right?!
So, I changed my DVD drive region to run brazilian DVDs.
The problem is: the DVDs image quality is not the same as I used to have with UK's DVDs. Well, is there any software I have to install or any driver, or something?? :smileyhypnotized:
Thanks a lot,
Latin America is in region 4
I shouldn't think the quality was less than other regions
Have you tried VLC ?
Hi Kee-Lo,
I havent tried yet, but I'm gonna do it now...
And by the way, the quality at the same DVD disk when I play it in a "brazilian DVD player" is ok...:smileyconfused:
Now that's odd.
Maybe Tony knows of something that I don't
I've been watching region 4 DVD's all day long. What you doing down here in the middle of winter LOL? Play the movie you want in Media Player 10 and it will automatically ask if you want to change the region to 4. Do so. Then the settings are fine for WinDVD. Another option is to download K-LiteCodecPack herewhich is all region savvy especially BS Player. here
Use "DVD Region+CSS Free" and it will solve all of your problems for sure without need to change the region on the drive, 'cos you can do it just 4 times.
Good luck.:smileyhappy:
'cos you can do it just 4 times.
It's written to the RAM in the firmware