Not recognized as a Vaio after XP reinstall


Not recognized as a Vaio after XP reinstall

I did a search and could not find any info so here it goes.

I just reinstalled windows XP Home edition on my Sony RX270DS because windows told me to something about corrupt files in windows and suggested to run installation again. OK, fine easy enough, EXCEPT now my computer is not recognized as a VAIO anymore by SONY software. I tried to install the Yamaha sound drivers from Sony's web site and got a message that says "wrong model information". And when I try to run Sony software (DV Gate) it tells me that this software only runs on VAIO computers:smileysad:( It was running fine before in XP???

Any help would be appreciated



You are required to use the three CDs that came with your computer in cases were the computer or software has become corrupt. First go into the BIOS and make it the default settings. Insert CD Vol1 in the CD-ROM drive, and restart the computer, then follow the prompts shown on the monitor screen. If you do a complete factory setting, this will erase all software and requires any added software, files to be saved to another disk before starting the procedure.
Someone may have another way of reinstalling your computer to show VAIO and settings. The E-support at Sony instructed me to carry out this method.


Thanks Robert for your reply,

You're proposal is ideal...except when I got my Vaio it came with Windows ME, not XP. Perhaps I should contact Sony and ask if I can purchase XP disks with the bundled sofware and all.

Incidently, after digging and digging here I found a few pointers which have somewhat fixed the problem.

1.) I removed windows Service Pack 1

2.) I reinstalled Sony Shared Libraries.

So far so good. DVgate works (the Sony software I use the most), but I don't have all the other help devices like Vaio Agent and a few other useful doodads I had before.


And also, I just checked I can not install the Yamaha sound driver dowloaded from the Sony uddate site. Something about wrong computer information:smileysad:.

I am getting by with the generic driver downloaded from the Yamaha web site but nevertheless I would prefer to use the specified driver


It is most interesting to read your comments on sound card driver. I have the same sound card installed in my PCV-RX403N computer, the downloads available at Sony downloads site for my model shows non available at the present time. I maybe wrong to think this, but perhaps each model has its own update download page. You maybe luckier than me, but Sony will probably say the Windows xxx version is loaded in a new computer purchased from Sony and not sold seperately. There is nothing to stop buying Windows XP Home Edition from a retailer at around £80, at least this way will allow you suport from Microsoft. Compared to the free copy that comes preinstalled on a new computer, is not entertained by Microsoft in cases of support being required.



You' re absolutely right about each model having it's download page. For example for my computer I went to this link

to find specific information and software upgrades for my computer. This the Sony US (poorly done site, this one is way better) and I have the feeling that models in North america and europe are not exacatly the same because I do not see anything for your model there. Anyway so far everything works as advertised except the sound driver which i can not even install. So too bad, the generic driver works just as well as far as I can ear