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Bought the VAIO VGN-FS195-XP with 1Gb memory in april (wanted it to be fast). A month later performance started degrading, especially when watching films from a DVD. After a while it became impossible to watch a film, even from the hard disk.
Recording a DVD, that would initially take 20 min, slowed down to 90 minutes!
I reinstalled the PC from scratch. For 2 days things were better.
Then my VAIO went to update itself on the net... and now:
Impossible to play music as sounds play slow.
Even the windows logon sound does not play properly.
Playing a film from a DVD is OK, but playing from the HD too slow!!!
Recording a DVD = 90min
I have a Toshiba laptop too, which is supposed to be slower, but is 5 times faster and never had such problems.
AAAARRRGH!!! Please help!!!!!!
Defragging won't be the problem on a brand new installation. Try a system restore back to factory condition, then run it for as long again before installing any other Sony updates. See if performance degrades over the time again.
In defence of my comment about Defrag impairing HDD life: (:smileygrin: )
Defrag involves massive read/write spin ups of the HDD continuously. So while a defragged drive would quite rightly not need to be spun up etc. as much to access the actually get it to that stage requires an awful lot of defrag, and as some chap above said "keep doing this over and over...", so its a trade off between time spent stressing the drive via defrag and leaving it to naturally fragment, and also that defrag stresses the hardware a lot in a short space of time whereas general use does not.
^^Every 6 months depending on use is optimal
You do have a point Ash, it does put on some stress, but I think a lot of modern hard disks are equipped to handle this sort of operation
OK Ash point taken I think I should clarify what I meant when I said defrag over and over. Do this process ONCE to condition you're HD
I agree with you that defragmentation itself is very very wearing on HD but only if the HD has not been conditioned using this repetative process I mentioned. Feederfan and KeeLo are also correct that fragmented disks also wear the HD hence the need to have latency free HD
The information I obtained from a US Microsoft Teckie whilst chatting live on Mplayer is this.
1. Windows never places installed programs or data very intelligently unless the HD is condtioned by your actions. It needs help to do this. So defragmenting over and over until it get it right and defragments within 30 seconds just ONCE is a very good practise. Disable any unneccessary processes and even leave the mouse alone while it does this.
2. Then adjust the Master Paging File so that fragmentation is kept a minimum (best to use Diskeeper Pro for this).
3. Then fragmentation will be minimal so you can do it often or not so often either way it is less harmful to the life of the HD. If you disagree with this then you are going against the advice of one of the very designers of the Windows platform. Personally I totaly agree as it is logical and because my system is lightning fast.
I always say this, but since we're on the subject, PerfectDisk is an awesomely good defragmenter. Makes a vast difference above even Diskkeeper.
Wow a debate on a forum which didnt degenerate into more 'untasteful' stuff :smileygrin:
And yeh Diskeeper Pro is the one I use
Thanks for hearing me out and keeping it clean peeps...
We like good old discussions here
PerfectDisk does look good TT