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PLEASE HELP ME!! rli quickly, anyone...


PLEASE HELP ME!! rli quickly, anyone...

Hi to all -

I have had my VAIO pocket a couple of weeks is all, and if anybody could shed some light on some difficulties i'm having which are driving me insane i would be VERY grateful!

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

1) Album Jackets
I have tried and tried to assign a jacket to an album but nothing seems to work for me! How DO you make stuff come up in the "jackets" menu on the main menu?

2) Lyrics etc.
I think most of my problems are just getting album info - i recorded an album onto SonicStage, clicked "get CD info" and it seemed to get it all, and it got all da songs etc, but how do i get things like, well, like jackets and lyrics?

3) Skins
Does anyone know where to download any more skins apart from the five they give you in the update?

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

thanks, any help would be great!


You cant download any more skins and you must write in the lyrics yourself.


to get pics for the albums you have to asign them in sonic stage. and then when you transfer the album across they will be there. I have found if the album is already on the pocket it will not update by adding the pics.

On another note if you save the desired pic on the pocket you can assign it to any track you play.... just a thought.


I get my album covers from Amazon, search for the album, click on the small pic of the cover to open a larger pic, right click and save to your PC, resize if necessary to ensure its square (though not essential). In Sonic 3.1, right click on the Album before transfer, select properties. click on 'Add' and search for the cover you have just saved.

Lyrics can often be found by doing a Google search.

Hope this helps.


I cant be bothered to add album art lol.


thanks guys, it's working!!!!!

febs - how do u type in ur own lyrics?

and also is it possible to have your picture FOLDERS as anything other than "USER_001" ..2..3 etc.? coz everytime i call it summat else it doesn't come up......



In sonicstage right click on the song you want toadd the lyrics to and then left click on properties and then Lyrics/liner notes and then type in your lyrics.

No you cant rename the pictures folder.


Hi I use copy and paste from this site :

They have an enourmous collection of lyrics and you can simply cut and paste them into SS.