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Please HELP


Please HELP

I need buy new internal keyboard for my notebook VGN-A317S. I pay very big money. Thank you. Rimas.


Here is the link again for anyone that needs a new keyboardVaioKeyboards and anyone that posts more than once again will get the same reaction as it slows down the website pointlessly so please kids no more. If we don't know your circumstances then it's pointless attempting to help. It's like all those crazy people that buy a Vaio in Africa and wonder why their Vaio is not under warranty in Europe and the OS is in French when they travel to stay Australia.

I remember some guy was in Asia, and he decided to call Sony Asia insyead of Europe and he got the repairs done quickly, but they won't honor your warranty, but as you said, you'd be willing to pay.
Might be worth trying


 It's like all those crazy people that buy a Vaio in Africa and wonder why their Vaio is not under warranty in Europe and the OS is in French when they travel to stay Australia. 

Well, so, I'm crazy! Yes, really: I thought I was buying a laptop, which, to my idiot's understanding meant that I would use it far away from my desk, otherwise it would have called it a desktop...

But I travel extensively, and stay away for a long time. So, when my working tool packs up, and the "local" (e.g. :Sony Europe..) allows no other to touch my machine , otherwise I loose the guarantee.... Well, yes: I GET crazy !!!! (that was the case when I had my PCG GRV 616 repaired in Singapore (by Sony-s'pore): Sony Europe told me to send it to them, otherwise I would loose my guarantee... To make sure, I did not tell them s'pore had fixed it, but that the problem had diseappeared! )

Now, I have problems with my A 317 S's keyboard....French version!....This one, I can only replace in Europe ....although the idea of calling some French speaking African dealer...why not?'s just like passing my arm behind my head for scratching my nose...

Who is really crazy there????

I agree with you Luke, if IBM can do it I don't see why Sony can't do it by default.

They want you to buy International Warranty Packs, but within 15 days, it's doolally!

It should be within 12 months!

Should rename yourself unluckyluk LOL. I bought the international warranty pack and international insurance because I travel extensively probaly not as much as you do. I'm surprised at you being a traveller didn't look into that. Have you got international health insurance? because its got nothing to do with being crazy. Everything to do with being thoughtful about what you are doing, especially while overseas. As for buying kit anywhere from anyone while overseas. Alway check from the actual country they claim you will be covered by with a phone call to that country and speak to the manager only. Never go on what the saleman says. Anyway Lucky did you look at the US link for a English keyboard from Priority Electronics?

That's good advice Tony


I remember some guy was in Asia, and he decided to call Sony Asia insyead of Europe and he got the repairs done quickly, but they won't honor your warranty, but as you said, you'd be willing to pay.
Might be worth trying

Yes someone in Thailand.. and he got it cheap too :smileygrin:


Should rename yourself unluckyluk LOL. 

LOL. Well, quite lucky most of the time, Tony...that's why I do NOT buy the International warranty pack...and for another reason too: I buy my electronic "thingys" by a big distributor who has excellent prices and services....excepted that they do not have an International warranty pack...: you've got to buy from SONY directely for that...and forget about any kind of help from then onwards! But I got the International 2 years insurance: 370¿.!...chances to have it stolen or accidentally damaged are, to my opinion, more worrying than the bugger obliging me to carry an external keyboard....and that's enough money spent already!

Good advertising for SONY when I arrive with my magnificent looking laptop...and have to draw out an external keyboard and tell the laughing people how reliable this laptop is! If the Japanese Chairman of SONY would be there, he would hara-kiri !

By the way: yes, I had a look at this excellent site....but since they sell reconditionned keyboards...we shall have to wait a while till they happen to have one for a A series.....

Hehe Eugene, it was you wasn't it? Was trying to think who it was :slight_smile:

You're right Luke, it's not good advertising when you have to carry around some ugly beige keyboard

If you can authenticate the purchase of a new Vaio you can buy the international warranty pack from Sony. They are not that fussy. Also I paid £71 a year for my fully comprehensive international insurance.(as long as I don't leave my lappie on a bus or at the pub like that muppet from MI5 did a few years back) I did a search for A series keyboard and it seems you are in a fix indeed. How about a wireless keyboard they have quite a range and act like a remote at around £70 here cheaper where you are and wait till you return to keep your warranty