Problems with TV VAIO Zone.


Problems with TV VAIO Zone.

THE VIDEO IS NOT SMOOTH. Framerates jumps and I see something like 17 or 18 fps, and it´s impossible to see any sport tv program with a decent quality.

I really don´t like VAIO Zone, and it would be great to see tv programs with a more easy and intuitive application.

I have a notebook VAIO VGN-A217S with VAIO Launcher Version

I have another normal PC with a Miro PCTV capture card from 6 years, and the tv playback is too much smooth. I think may be any MPEG conflict in my computer or something, but no information and no configuration possible. And there are no posibility to use another aplication than VAIO Zone to test. No information about my dockstation, no information about MPEG filters, no specific information about VAIO Zone problems, no posibility to use other programs..... what have I bought?..... I´m very disapointed.


I would reinstall VAIO Zone


I would reinstall VAIO Zone

I have uninstalled Vaio Zone, and Vaio entertainment... and now I´ve installed it again, but now I¨ve "vaioent.exe" error always I put the cursor in the TV menu in Vaio Zone. This software sucks.

Vaio Support has told me about to use the recovery disk to reinstall all things, but I´m not going to do something like this always Sony sofware has a problem (this is not my problem). I have more important things in my computer to do that.

They have told me about some important libraries in 😧 that if you loose you can´t recover, and Vaio Zone need these libraries. But I´ve not uninstalled anything called "important". And Vaio Zone must install all thing this program need to work, or Sony must put these things in the download site for us.

As I told..... this software sucks. I never saw something like this with a product that we have paid.

Wish I could give you more help, but I don't have VAIO Zone


I can´t use any software other than Vaio Zone to see TV. Seem to be a Sony precaution to make something different his product.

Sony can´t forze users to have the system always exactly as they congure in the "restore disk" to prevent any problem. Sony must put information about consequences about uninstalling things that seem to be not important (this seem to be the cause). I don´t know what I have done to have this problem, and I don´t know what the system need to solve this problem. I only know what I´ve said, some "private archives" has been deleted (I don´t know how), and these archives seem that can not be replaced.

I totally agree with you, it's crazy to expect people to use the VAIO the way they want them to.