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Screen breaking on a Vaio Z without any overload or other misuse of any kind!

Screen breaking on a Vaio Z without any overload or other misuse of any kind!

Now my screen just broke again on my Vaio Z!! For the second time in 5 months.

I already know what the bill is going to be.. 1000USD for a new one!!

Why does it breake so easy? i really take care of my vaio because they have a reputation of very fragile screens, but shouldent a 4000 USD PC have the abillity to be used on a normal level?

This is really pissing me of badly...



Hi Morten,

Sorry to hear avout your Vaio.

Considering just how thin the screen is, we get surprisingly few reports of screen breakages.

I presume it happened while transporting it - what do you carry it in when on the move?


Yes it is sad that the screen is breaking so easy.

Last time i got the vaio Z screen repaired the nice lady told me that the screens especially on the Vaio Z is a very weak screen, and that numerous screens had been replaced at that time, but she could not give me that in writing. I asked if Sony had adressed the problem since it is a high end computer aimed at professional super users, but she could not see that any action to fix the problem was initiated.

Since the last replacement, i have if transported been carrying the Vaio in a thick padded neoprene case, and then again in a special padded compartment in my workbag. when i use it it normally sits in a docking station. I know the screen is thin, but perhaps it has gotten a little bit to thin.

Besides that i love the machine, and that makes it even more sad that i have to spend thousands of dollars to keep it going.
