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I have installed the SonicStage software as supplied with my new Vaio pocket. although it work fine for the process of transferring cds from my collection to "My Libray" (computer) and then on to the pocket. everytime I insert a new disc, the software asks if I want to access the Gracenote site for identifying discs, tracks etc. When I say yes and try to register, my computer comes up with the following fault every time:-
Socket Open Failed. Has anyone else suffered the same problem, and if so how do you get around it?:smileyconfused:
Sonicstage is the worst software in the world.....ever.
Sonicstage is the worst software in the world.....ever.
I just dont like it.
I just dont like it.
3.2 was released today by the way.
Check your firewall to make sure SS is in the allowed list.