Sony Vaio Customer Support Hell


Sony Vaio Customer Support Hell

I am aware there have been a number of posts regarding awful customer service from Sony Support for vaio.  My experience has been very similar, following the purchase of a Vaio SVE-1712Q1EW.  From the first day,the screen would freeze, and an error message regarding the AMD Display Driver would appear.  I attempted to resolve this myself, using these forums and others, but eventually called Sony Support after the laptop crashed and a full system restore still did not resolve the issue.  Their fixes did not help either and the laptop was taken in for repair.  From the notes I see that they replaced the entire hard drive - yet within hours, the error msg had appeared again.  Sony Support advised me that they would replace the laptop, following an assessment to ensure that I had not damaged it myself.  Since then (over two weeks ago now), I have entered into the Support nightmare, as the agent I spoke to did not place a note on the system to advise the repair center (which I have since found out is outsourced) to diagnose the unit.  Sony Support have also since advised me that only after 'multiple' attempts at repair, would a replacement been offered.  So my laptop is in limbo, as the repair center cannot do anything until they receive instructions from Sony, and Sony assert that I was promised a replacement in error.


The truly awful customer service has astounded me - the same catalogue of disappointments listed elsewhere.  Eventually I was put through to a manager only by refusing to get off the phone until I could talk to someone in authority.  Despite promising to 'take ownership' of my case and to call me back 'first thing' this morning, I have not heard from him and when I called, was told he was 'unavailable'. 


Quite frankly, following this experience with Sony, I have been put off ever buying from them again, despite loving this laptop, but if they only offer me a replacement, rather than a refund after all of this, I'd like to know if there is an issue with this model.  Is it possible that the driver issue is somehow related to the Vaio hardware and Windows 8? Awful service aside, does anyone have any information on whether this is an issue with Vaios, especially my model? 


I thought that I was alone with a duff Vaio, but am even more distressed to discover that my problems are not unique.  For years, I have bought Sony equipment, televisions, and hi-fi units and single amplifier and cassette payer units etc. I even use a Sony camera.  I thought that Sony was great and have had two laptops.  A grandchild poured a fizzy drink into one and it fried, which was no fault of Sony.  The second one has died.  I have not yet tried to have it repaired, thinking that it was so old anyway.

From my past experience, I bought two new laptops.  The first in March, which died.  I took it back supposedly  under guarantee to the dealer, PC World.  When I arrived at the coiunter, the assistant said "Oh, not this computer again!"  I said that it was the first time that I had brought it in and he apologised for making a mistake.  This shoulkd have been a RED FLAG warning of future trouble.  PC World kept the computer saying that they would send it to Sony.  This actually did not happen and the "repair" was performed by PC World. It appeared that Sony said reported back that it was a software fault and was not covered.

PC World then demanded a £50 up-front payment, before they would repair the computer.

They said that they ahd sorted out the problem and on returning home discovered that although the screen was working, the computer was not working.  The machine was returned and "reapaired" and on returning hoime a second time discovered that the laptop was a complete lump of useless waste of £500.

Guess what? I returned the computer and PC World said that they were returning it to Sony.  The comment upon the repair note was "Software problem again !!!"

That was weeks ago, and I have not received any update or report as to progress.


This supposed Software problem is well know to Sony, who it seems pretend that it is nothing to do with their machines.  This should have been dealt with under the guarantee, instead of which I have spent £50 for a repair which was unsuccessful to a third party and have not got my laptop back, and do not know when to expect its return.  Of course, all this time is being clocked as part of the one year guarantee that the b*  thing will work for at least one year,  So ifI get it back in 9 months time, the guarantee will have expired.


This is an added worry as I leased a similar laptop for a colleague, which has only been used for less than an hour in the last two months. I am expecting a message to say that this laptop had died any day.


I have lost faith in Sony products and their care of customers, but I am sure that in this, I am not alone.


You are most definitely not alone!  And like you, I've been brand loyal for years.  My last Vaio worked like a dream, solidly, 6 days a week, sometimes 12 hours a day, for 6 years.  Which is why I decided to buy a Sony again when that one eventually died.  


What is going on?  Why does no-one at Sony seem to care that their products and services are so bad?