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VPCCA1S1E screen issues.

VPCCA1S1E screen issues.

I recently got a Sony Vaio VPCCA1S1E laptop its been working fine, but when i switched it on yesterday, the screen started going dark, it keeps flickering and going so dark i cant actually see the screen.when i plugged the charger in there was a dull buzzing sound comiing from the laptop.

it works fine if i leave it switched off for a little while and not charging, then when i plug the charger in again the screen starts flickering, (a bit like someone flicking the lights on and off if that makes it any easier to understand)

When it is at its worse it looks like the laptop is switched off.

any ideas?


The symptoms you describe could be something to do with the ambient light sensor which changes the screen brightness depending on the brightness in the room.  If you cover this sensor, the screen will get darker and darker.  You can find the sensor above the keyboard - immediately to the left of the NumLk indicator light.


If the sensor is not blocked, then it could be faulty or there could be a power problem to the screen so I think you will need to contact Vaio Support as a repair may be needed.

Is your Vaio still within the warranty period?


hi thank you for answering,

ive tried everything that i can,. but its still doing it, yeah it is still under warranty, ive not had it 2 months yet :slight_frown: