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What can I uninstall??


What can I uninstall??

Hello again,

OK - so i've got the Vaio VGN-AR51E. I've restored my disks and removed the majority of software on the PC, but there are a huge number of things left which i'd also like to remove. Here's the stuff I want to keep first....

Magic-I Visual Effects
ALL buttion functionality

Is there a definitive list which highlights what all of the installed software actually does? My Add/Remove list contains all of the following (minus stuff I want to keep)...

    • AppMon Utility
    • Browser Address Error Redirector
    • DSD Direct
    • DSD Direct Player
    • DSD Playback Plug-in
    • OpenMG Limited Patch 4.7-07-15-19-01
    • OpenMG Secure Module 4.7.00
    • Settings Utility Series
    • Sony Video Shared Library
    • VAIO Content Folder Settings
    • VAIO Content Importer / VAIO Content Exporter
    • VAIO Content Metadata Intelligent Analyzing Manager
    • VAIO Content Metadata Manager Settings
    • VAIO Content Metadata XML Interface Library
    • VAIO Control Center
    • VAIO Data Restore Tool
    • VAIO Entertainment Platform
    • VAIO Event Service
    • VAIO Launcher
    • VAIO Media 6.0
    • VAIO Media AC3 Decoder 1.0
    • VAIO Media Content Collection 6.0
    • VAIO Media Integrated Server 6.1
    • VAIO Media Redistribution 6.0
    • VAIO Media Registration Tool 6.0
    • VAIO MusicBox
    • VAIO Power Management
    • VAIO Update 3

Now, is there documentation anywhere which lists what each of those installations does? I'd like this laptop to be empty of all this stuff. I don't understand why Sony install things like "Power Management". The OS will manage power without additional tools.

Can anyone point me in the right direction please. Am desperate to rid this poor laptop of it's bloatware issues!

Many thanks all,


Ah never mind. I've stipped out everything from Sony! Not surprisingly, the only casualty was the on-screen volume display (the control still works) and the eject button. Once that was done and system restore was switched off, I got Vista running really smoothly.

I may later on, document exactly what I did in case someone else wants to give it a go. makes a big difference. (AR51E model)

Good work and congratulations on a superb site name :wink:


Lol... :wink:

Yeah. Can't believe how well this runs with vista stripped down of all the sony stuff. I only have two Sony installs left on this PC now (Wireless switched and Camera capture utility). It runs wonderfully now.


I have a Vaio SZ61 and I was soo impressed with the fast bootup (about 10 minuttes) and shutdowntime (another 10 minuttes), on a out of the box computer, so I installed Ubuntu as dual boot, and Ubuntu works really well with very little care after the install.

To insall ubuntu I used the recovery utility and used it to splitt my C: disk in to a C: and a 😧 disk.
Then I booted from the ubuntu CD and deleted the partition that used to be my 😧 disk (sda3 in ubuntu) and made a linux system disk on sda3 and a 2GB swap as sda4.
Ubuntu automatically detects all your disks and give you the option to choose at bootup what to start: recovery, windows or linux.

I would really like to know what I need to remove in Vista to get it to boot a little faster. Also my vista hangs and crashes all the time (maybe because I am used to real multitasking from Linux, and try to do to many things at once).



OK, man you motivated me. I already unistalled bunch of the Sony crap. But now I will get rid of more :devil: Muhaaahahhaha

Specially the Vaio Content and Vaio Media files, anybody any idea what is it good for?


How did you repair ("eject button. Once that was done...") the eject button?

How did you uninstall Norton 360?

Windows Vista Home Premium



I own the AR51m and would love to see your guide.



I have a FZ21Z, and noticed there is alot of useless VAIO software installed, and would love to know what to uninstall to do what, I'm wanting similar functionality to what you've got now - I love the Magic-I cam thing, and want all the extra keys to work, S1, and the brightness, as well as media control pad.

I've toyed around uninstalling a few of them, and have accidentally uninstalled ones for the brightness controls, so if anyone knows which VAIO app makes them work again - would be much appreciated.


What do you mean by the Media Control Pad?

Well, I unistalled all the Vaio Content programs and Vaio Media files, and everything runs without change.

I would guess that the programs for the brighness and the buttons to work is either Vaio event service or Vaio control center.