
Freeview Recorder Doesn't Show the 'New' Film4!

Really strange, this - after the recent change to Film 4 (Channel 15), I cannot get the broadcast display or sound on my RDR-HXD870 Freeview Recorder. Instead, I just get a black screen followed by "This channel is not in service" (as an error-message, not a broadcast message). I have tried Initial Setup > Digital Tuner > Replace Channels, which ought to work - and even resorted to a full reset (Stop-Power) to totally start again with the channel storage, and still no audio-visual content is evident on Channel 15, although both the title and the EPG schedule are there as expected.


The (Samsung) TV shows Film4 without problems, although I did have to do the complete retune to get it, which was a pain - losing all favourites and some other stuff. At least it works OK after that, though, whereas there was no such joy with the Sony, so I can watch Film4 (via the Samsung TV's tuner) but cannot record it (via the Sony recorder's tuner)... Except, that is, an hour behind by using Film4+1, which works fine (on both devices).


The RDR-HXD870 does have the latest-available firmware (v1.70) installed, and the other Freeview channels seem fine, including the new Film4+1 - it's just the 'replaced' Channel 15 (Film4) that won't seem to work.


Can anyone help with this problem? It's been a bit fraught, lately, with Freeview on my Sony recorder! Does anyone else have the same problem?


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