
Sony kdl-43w805c USB ports not working?

I have recently bought a Sony kdl-43w805c. I have attempted to connect USB Pen Drives and Memory sticks to the USB ports to view content (photos & movie files). A message comes up on the TV that the Media is recognised but when I search to access the port it doesn't show up. Am I looking in the wrong place? Do I need to download an app for the USB ports to work/be recognised? How can I get content to be displayed on the TV. If it is not possible I would like to know asap to consider what to do next as the TV is currently within its 28 day return warranty. Thank you. I am also quite disappointed that it was sold to me that I could record TV (PVR) but since purchase on the forums been told that this is not the case and it will be available in October – is this correct?

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