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Constant Electric / Static shock through HDMI port. KDL-32BX400

Backstory: So I want to connect my TV to my desktop PC to use as an extra screen.


I did so, worked fine for about a week and then stopped working. Turns out my GFX card had died despite being only 3 weeks old. Very annoyed I sent it back. I got another one, of a different brand. This one worked for about a month. And then it too broke on me. Then a few weeks later one of my RAM modules died. At this point I realise something is going on.


I was then playing around with the HDMI ports etc whilst troublshooting trying to work out what was going wrong, when I noticed when I touched the HDMI cable to the port, right as it went in a tiny spark went between the HDMI cable coming from the TV, to my HDMI port on my PC.


It was at this point I was touching my HDMI port that was still plugged into the TV at this point, and I got a small constant shock on my fingers. So I got a shielded HDMI cable, thinking it could be inducing voltage from other nearby cables. But again I touched it and got a shock.


So I plugged ONLY the TV directly into the wall socket, and touched the HDMI cable, and I was still getting a small yet constant shock.


I am no longer going to connect my PC or Xbox into the TV, in fear of damaging more £££ worth of PC parts.


I have checked and tried: The wall socket is grounded, using a multimeter. My PC is grounded, both the case, PSU and plug. TV is grounded (through plug). Shielded HDMI cable made no difference. Moving the power wire away from the HDMI cable. Plugging ONLY the TV into the wall made no difference. Still a constant shock. Tried different HDMI ports on the TV, still shocked me.


To me this makes me think it is the TV at fault here. What are my options?


If you have ever stuck a 9v battery on your tongue, its like that, but on your fingers, when you touch the HMDI cable that is connected to the TV.

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