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Direct upload to facebook problems for DSC-HX60V


I have the Cybershot DSC-HX60V and have installed the direct upload app version V2.32 with the facility to directly load photos to facebook. I am able to go through the stages including signing in to my facebook account but the problem I have is that the photo will not upload at the final stage because the camera screen message reads 'unable to upload as new album unavailable' it then asks me if I want to create a new album, which I do but the same message then appears again.

All instructions and tutorials I have found show the last page upload as displaying Facebook folder options to upload to i.e. timeline, cover photos, and albums but my camera doesn't display any thing other than the option to create a new album.

I have tried to name the new album on the camera the same as one of my existing albums on Facebook but still no joy.

Anyone got any ideas please.


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