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STR-DN1080 no audio from FD & TM speakers with DTS:X content

Hello. I'm using Onkyo SKH-410 up-firing speakers. When configured correctly as "FD", they are silent when playing DTS:X content. I believe that this is the case for "TM" speakers as well.

If I do the trick of setting them to "FH", they work with DTS:X content, however:

1. Dolby Atmos audio then sounds slightly different, e.g. the opening scene of Mad Max Fury Road placed the main voice more behind me instead of in front. (This is dependant on other speaker settings such as sub crossover, etc.)

2. Every time I change from "FD" to "FH" and vice versa, my front speakers keep changing back to "Large" (which is what auto-calibration detected), so I have to change 2 settings each time I wish to play DTS:X content, and then change said 2 settings back afterwards. Annoying.

It would be great if Sony would route height audio to "FD" and "TM" speakers when playing DTS:X content. Otherwise, they should adjust their advertising to say that height channel content only works with "FH" speakers with DTS:X.

I presume other brand AVRs can manage this. Right?

Please, Sony, release a firmware fix for this.

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