
Extending the 19.5v power cord from the PSU brick to the TV - PSU ACDP 060S03 for Bravia KDL-32WD75x

I am wall mounting my new Bravia KDL-32WD75. The power cord from the PSU brick to the TV is a) captive and b) too short. I need either a replacement PSU with a longer cable from it to the TV or an extension cable which fits the 19.5 v side of the supply. My only other option is to cut the PSU cable and splice in extra cable.


BTW, I am professionally quite capable of cut/splice option but a) why should I have to void the warranty on the PSU in order to get a longer lead and b) Sony have been making TVs for many decades and really should know better than to have a short lead for a TV which many people would wish to wall-mount.


BTW 2 - please don't offer solutions from the PSU brick to the mains socket on the 240V side (I've seen several posts in this form erroneously marked as the solution to the same issue from others).. It's a figure 8 standard and I have access to leads of the correct length. That's not the issue. The issue is the 19.5V side of the PSU is too short to locate the PSU on the floor - it would dangle in full view.


Any "official" solutions which don't impact warranty? Thanks.


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