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HT-Z9F Sound Mode vs Dolby Speaker Virtualizer



Been experimenting with the HT-Z9F. I have the rear speakers as well. I'm confused about the difference between the two sound settings.  


I've been playing the Atmos Helicopter demo and under both settings I do sense height, however with the Sound Mode, it's only presence in the front but in Dolby Speaker VirtuaI can hear the helicopter go behind the head as well.  Does the demo supposed to go behind your head too? 


Also, from the manual the virtual 7.1.2 is enabled when you turn vertical engine on, but since Dolby Speaker Virtualizer disables the vertical sound engine, if you chose Dolby Speaker Virtualizer it doesn't do 7.1.2?


I'm really confused which setting to chose. I prefer the overall sound quality of Sound Mode but I think I feel more of immersive Atmos feeling with Dolby Speaker Virtualizer. 


Why can I only hear height in front with Sound Mode? Are my settings wrong elsewhere?


Thanks in advance for your guidance. 



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