

Turned TV onto standby yesterday using remote.  When i switched it back on, it wont move off the update page (the one with the coloured cogs).  Despite contacting Sony and performing (unsuccessfully) forced factory reset, its still not moving off that screen.  Their advice is now to take to a technician.  Our nearest one is over 2 hours away.  


I have been doing some research on internet and apparently this is a very common problem with this model, purchased around the same time as us (around 4 years ago).  Just wondering if anyone has suffered the same and successfully managed to resolve.  


Extremely disapppointed that Sony are aware of this issue, and providing no fixes.  We had something similar with our Toshiba TV and after contacting them, they sent us out a USB that updated and resolved issue.  I have read on other sites, that by the time you pay for engineer and new part, it is cheaper to get a new TV!!!.  Wholly unacceptable for goods that are only 4 years old.  THoughts and advice please.

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