
Audio Description problem - All4 app & KE-65XH9005

Hi all,

I'm experiencing a strange and quite specific issue with audio description, which appears to have happened since the recent software update.  I've read through the forum and found quite a few issues/solutions for similar problems but so far, no luck...

Basically, I can't switch off AD on any catch-up programmes using the All4 app (launched from Sony Select) - I have tried the accessibility settings in the system menu (AD is in normal/off mode) and just about every other thing I can find in the audio menus.   There's no way of disabling in the All4 app (only subtitles on/off).

The Youview Catch Up app allows me to turn AD off/on via the Audio button on my remote - but this only works for live broadcasts.  Other catchup apps such as BBC iPlayer and ITV Hub all work fine, as there are AD on/off functions in each app (something which All 4 doesn't have).


A couple of other odd things... if I run the All4 app from a PS4, then there are no issues.  I also have a slightly older Bravia (KD-49XF7596) in another room which doesn't do this.  This all seems to point to the latest software update for KE-65XH9005, specifically the All4 app.


I know it's a long shot - but has anyone else experienced similar issues with All4 and the latest update for Sony Android or is there anything else that I might try that I've overlooked?




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