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Why didn't sony use a better CPU and GPU?
Alright the CPU isnt that bad, but the GPU is not good for a tablet that has come out 5 months after the ipad2 and is the same price.
In terms of graphical capabilities, the ipad 2 is pretty much 2.5 times more powerful. For a tablet that is meant to be media/playstation centric, a good graphics chip should have been top priority.
Concidering that tegra 3 quad core release is just around the corner, next month which aims to faster than apples chip, the sony will be severly outdated 2 months after release. Reaching triple the speed of the sony.
Tegra 2 is a cheap mass market chip, £150 tablets feature the same chip.
The reason I ask this is because I am worried about the longevity of this tablet, even though I really do like it.
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Valid point but I think it just boils down to timing more than anything else. Considering the Tablets were announced a long time ago, most likely when Tegra 2 was on its way out, it made sense to go with that option but by the time production and manufacturer took place, Tegra 3 might have been announced so it poses a dilemma.
You either delay a launch again which might upset a lot of people or go ahead with their current build and get it out. The industry is moving even faster these days and nearly all electronic devices are outdate pretty much within a year these days. I remember a few years ago, whatever you bought would be technologically up to date for about 18-24 months but now due to fierce competition, that is not longer the case. The problem was, if Sony waited another 2 months for the chip to be launched then went back and released, most likely we would not see Tablets from Sony for another 6 months at least I reckon.
That being said, you have nothing to worry about, developers are being encouraged to take advantage of the advancements in CPU and GPU progression and develop apps optimised for these devices. Shadowgun for example runs amazing on the Tablet S. No lag, no drops in performance or frames and the same with Riptide as they are optimised to run on Tegra architechture.
I personally think the whole powerful is better ideology is dead like the whole megapixel war on cameras is dying down and now people/developers have to use what is currently available. The Tablet S ticks a lot of the boxes for me in various aspects which my iPad could not but I do honestly see your point. One of my gripes about technology these days, buy today, outdated tomorrow.
It will be interesting on hopefully the next generation of Tablets from Sony.
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yeah I understand what you are saying but sony needs to sort themselves out. sony didnt have to go with nvidia , they seem to love them abit too much. the couldve gone with snapdragon, the adreno 220, beats tegra. even though that is starting to show its age(touchpad used it). or even better they could do what samsung does and design their own chips. i am sure sony can do this. samsung ses a really nice chip in their s2 and it leaves tegra in its dust and that came out six months ago and that doesnt have the large resolution of the sony to render. even games which are tegra optimised run better on s2. yeah I have shadowgun and it is beautiful but where as tegra runs it at 40 fps. ipad 2 pulls out 120. and I can also run it at 40fps using the ₤200 tablet from comet. even the latest samsung tablets have stopped using tegra. my view would have been to get a better cheap or be thed first with tegra 3 and if they couldnt do this they shouldve at least overclocked the tegra.
tegra 2 is a cheap outdated chip and this tablet deserved better. next week when asus releases their tegra 3 tablet this sony is really gonna strugle to sell.performance sells. ps3 psp, samsungs and apple prove this.
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I have to add to this discussion . I have been an avid technology (industry) watcher for nearly twenty years and I have to question the belief that anybody except technophiles can really tell the difference between a tegra 2 and a tegra 3 chip. In fact in many cases high street sales staff couldn't tell the difference because they don't normally get asked such questions. I know this because my brother worked in a Sony Centre for years. If Sony were to wait for the tegra 3 the delay would have done much more harm than any benefit from a faster chip could regain. In any case by the time the new chip was integrated into manufacturing another new one would be coming along ....and so the cycle continues. I would also encourage people to embrace the technology they hold in their hands instead of feeling ' hard done by' within weeks of their new purchase. I was like this for a long time and it needlessly cost me a fortune. Sony have done a reasonably good job with this tablet I'm sure the technology will outlast the warranty period. I still use my perfectly capable NW -HD1 eight years after I bought it. BTW , I'm not a troll , I'm a landscape gardener.
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I'm another who feels compelled to comment just like anobrie.
I have to admit to being 'techie' and one who has worked in IT for over 20yrs. The fact is that with any product or development you have to put a stake in the ground at some point as technology ever advances and wish lists and roadmaps will continually change.
Sony hung their hat on the tegra 2 & in my opinion have done a pretty good job. I'm happy with my purchase if I wanted a tegra 3 I could have waited, but by doing that should I then wait for the 4 that is almost certainly in development ??
In reality nobody forced anyone to buy we have chosen, look at those who bought the ipad 6mths before the 2 was released.
We have a saying amonst my peers when positioning technology - sell what is on the truck. I bought the Sony Tablet because the feature and funtionality it had matched my needs.
I'll get off my soapbox now :smileymischief: