Fed up with Sony India service


Fed up with Sony India service

I have Sony Xperia XA Ultra & its under warranty. In past 3 months, I have given my phone twice to Sony Service Centre for same issues but both times nothing was done to resolve the issues & moreover, everytime I got my phone back with new irritating problems along with the existed ones. It clealry shows that service centre people never really bothered to check the phone. Its so frustrating to me to use that phone for the very basic function phones are made for, which is CALLING. Every time to call someone or to receive some call I have to reboot my phone as the other side gets my voice very low. And its not an issue with my SIM card or network operator as I have tested the phone with other SIM card of different operator as well & issue was same. Both times my phone was given statng that issues are resolved but in actual, they are never resolved. This is just one problem I have mentioned. Apart from this, there are many other problems with my phone which frustrates me evry time I pick it up to use. And the most frustarting thing is the way srvice centre people work on the reported problems. Rather than resolving the said problems in phone, they create more ones. Seems all of them dont know how to resolve the customer issues. Other repeated problems with my phone are:

1. Battery Draining & Heating

2. Brightness function does nto work

3. Google Maps dont work properly. Navigator keeps revolving in any random direction on its own, even when my position is stationary. Most of the times, Maps keep showing "Searching for GPS", does not matter if I am in city or on a highway.

4. Apps dont install from Playstore even after download completes 100% until & unless I switch the tabs. This is so so so frustarting for me. I am cursing myself why I bought Sony phone.


Hi @AmitSharma29,

I'm sorry to hear this. I understand your frustration but since you have already started a case with your Local support team I recommend that you continue your contact with them.

This is a global forum and warranty and service procedures can differ depending on country/region. For this reason your local support team is better equipped to assist with service and warranty related questions.


For what purpose shall i contact Local Support?? To get more frustarted with their non-sense. I already contacted them 2 times but what results I got....More problems only. And they are not more equipped with any assistance. They are waste


Will you please provide a solution for my problems?? I am not interested in visiting the Local Support Forum anymore & getting frustrated.


Provide me Sony's Escalation Matrix so that evryone comes to know how their customers are suffering because of pathetic products & worst service. I will make sure that this thing goes out to maximum people of Sony & users of Sony products so that nobody make fool out of them by purchasing Sony products & waste their time later on in nightmarish service centers.