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Volume problem


Volume problem

So I'll be watching YouTube or listening to music and the volume will dramatically decrease. If I press the volume up button it shows as full volume but its still barely audible. The video or song will start out normal volume but after a second or two will dramatically decrease even though it still shows as full volume. This doesn't happen when I use headphones. I'm using an Xperia XA2 


Hi @Andy941, sorry to hear about this. Slightly_frowning_Face

Is this something you have started to experience very recently or has it been going on for a while?

A good place to start the troubleshooting is to restart your device in safe mode, so we can see if any downloaded application is causing this behaviour. In safe mode, all your downloaded applications will be temporarily disabled, but since YouTube is pre-installed you can use this application just fine.

Let me know how it works in safe mode!