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Android Pie Gestures


Android Pie Gestures


Just updated to Android Pie but I'm missing the gestures control. 

Anyone knows if this will be added in a future update? 



How is this still not working? Neither Fullscreen Immersive Mode is working nor Pie Gestures! Having a compact phone this really breaks usability. Get this working Sony!


I am so disappointed. I hope Sony find a solution. My phone is XZ1 and just yesterday updated it and I didn't find the Gestures service at all. So if the company didn't want to offer this service in the future then I will sadly start looking for another company


I'm very disappointed Sony, I will not buy a Sony phone again.


Dont wory,download from Web fluid NG pro apk.and install...and problem solved...


Hello everyone!

@ClydeF, since gestures aren't included as for now, but this may change in the future. Feedback is very important for us, so I thank you for your post and I'll forward your feedback.

@Fadi_Sh, I understand the disappointment and hopefully it will be implemented in the future based on the feedback we have received! Slightly_smiling_Face

@Mingun, sorry to hear that. Is the lack of gesture navigation the only reason behind this?

@pjer, Thank you for the tip! I haven't tried this myself as I don't really feel the need to use gestures, but it's nice to have the option available if you rather want to use that! Slightly_smiling_Face

Thank you all for the feedback and have a nice day! Slightly_smiling_Face


Same Here

what a massive disapointment

it raises questions about the future of sonys willingnes to give customers the option for customisation  and letting us participate on progress....

why why why ???

such a let down


Hi @LusLusLus,

I don't know why this was not included in Android Pie and for now I can't say if it will be added or not, but I will of course continue to forward the feedback from all of you.

Thank you for the feedback! Slightly_smiling_Face



where in Android Pie gesture mode? deception


Hi @Oliv2,

We currently have not included gesture navigation in Android Pie, and cannot comment on future plans to add it. I will of course forward your feedback regarding this! Slightly_smiling_Face

I hope that answers your question!


Hi @Jonas

If all those leaks that are coming out in recent time (pics, video, specs) that show navigation gestures, and Raw capture Sony Mobile better implement that into the maintained roster of devices. Sony Mobile have been showing the middle finger to existing user base for way too long. So start listening to your users beacuse we are the ones who praise or complain about your phones in front of other people. And by your actions in recent years you are losing the only advertisement (when people are watching Champions League no one has a clue what Xperia means) you ever had - your users.

It took 5 years of begging to implement CameraAPI2 (Full, not even level 3) which was then striped of the main feature - option to capture in RAW.

Also removing base (already implemented) Android features - navigation gestures, night light,...

As a user of Sony phones since Sony Erricson days it is dissapointing to see where Sony has fallen. And if thing keep continuing like this (screwing existing users) its only a matter of time when Sony mobile will be doomed.

And as owner of XZ2 I sure as  wont go and spend a 1100$ for Xperia 1 to get the features that your phones should have implemented in software since years ago..