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Is SonicStage 3.2 worth getting?
I am currently using 3.1 and its fine but what other improvements are in this new 3.2 version and is it in english and fully compataible with the VAIO pocket and its Updated FirmWare?
p.s. give me as much information as possible :D:D
Where did you get SonicStage 3.1? I still only have 2.3, I got the upgrade from here at VAIO.
Good point Liz:smileyhappy:
I'd wait a little longer Hornby as 3.0 is due out soon. Click here to have a look at the new features.
Try Or download it from the SonySite.
click me
You can download 3.1 from here . Not sure if you have to or can download 3.0 as this one supercedes it.
3.2 is pointless unless you have a PSP. If you install it you have to initialise your VP for it to work with SS.
It's not that I even really use it, I just like to keep my programmes up to date. Maybe they'll put it up on the download update on VAIO sometime, though I suspect my model is 'old' at this stage and they mightn't bother.
I'm going to try and put my hatred of SS to one side.
Make sure you backup your database and music before installing it.
SonicStage 3.1 is a stand alone Software. Not an upgrate. It would deinstall the older version.