Share your experience!
Hello Peoples
I have a Idea for the Sony Programmers!
Please write a firmware with that you can play Videos with the Vaio Pocket VGF-AP1L
Ye with the Nintendo Dual Screen.It is a good system but compared to the PlayStation Portable it is not very good at all.Look at the specs they are no where near as good as the PSP's and the DS has no multimedia capabilities.
PSP:game playing-UMD=Universal Media Disc
music-mp3 and atrac3 on memory stick & UMD music
video-mp4 via memory stick & UMD films
pictures-jpeg,other formats to be supported in 2.0 update
web browsing-in 2.0 update
DS:game playing-DS games & GBA games.
this seems to be a PSP forum instead of a VP one
Lol just as long as it is one of sony's products.
this is a very good idea to watch video into a 2.2'' sceen
i love to watch video all the time also then i am going to the school .
I personally would never use it.
i agree wit da guy on page 1 - the next update probs will be a new model, an if it is i hope it has
1) radio
2) a mic to record stuff
also, on the next update for SonicStage, i am sooo buggered off coz i got all my music on board, and then i find out that to do album art or lyrics or nefin, u hav to do it BEFORE u put it on!!!! how gay is that?! so pissed off......