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Volume level increase - possible???


Volume level increase - possible???

I was thinking if the EU volume restriction, which is set for the hd1 & 3 models, is also set for the VP. I would imagine that it is :anguished:

Therefore, the question is if anyone knows how to deactivate this limitation. It is know how to do it for the hd1 & hd3 ( but the instructions are no good for the VP, as it has different key arrangements etc :smileythinking:


I tried it, didn't lose any music but not sure it made it much louder - see the post above yours for more info! I might try again if/when a new firmware update comes out


I've updated the firmware again using the US update there may be an increase by I'm not too sure. I should really try with the standard supplied earphones cos I bought the DB's Sony ones to replace them. I'll keep you updated....:smileytongue:

My brother and I think it may be a little louder, but not particularly significant. Did you get any kind of error when changing the firmware?


Have any of you tried attaching an extra volume control thing 2 ur headphones?
I have 1 from my old MD player that was never loud enough for me, a friend picked it up in Amsterdam airport,
it definatly increased the volume on my VP when I attached it to the head phones:smileyhappy:


Go to Settings, Sound Settings and turn off AVLS. This is the volume delimiter which is a requirement of European MP3 players


AVLS is a recommended volume level but it is not very loud.It is designed so that you do not turn the volume up to loud to damage your eardrums.


My brother and I think it may be a little louder, but not particularly significant. Did you get any kind of error when changing the firmware?

I downloaded the US firmware and installed in my VP bought in Barcelona.
If there is an increasing of volume, it's hard to notice...

By the way, the VP works OK.


My AVLS has been off since I got my Pocket and the volume is far too low. I have a Sony Mini Disc Recorder/Player which leaves my Pocket for Dead, both in Volume and sound quality.
Come on Sony give us an upgrade to listen to music the way it should be listened to Loud and Clear. Even an upgrade for Sonic Stage, which would allow us to increase the volume level at recording stage would be alright. But Please Do Something, this volume level is PATHETIC. We don't have volume limitors on our HI-FI's for when we use Cans, so why on Vaio's.
Get Real Give us More Volume, You know it makes Sence. Give the Customer what He Wants, not what You want.


I'm using Shure e2c Isolating earphones and I am finding the volume is way too much if any more than halfway with bass at second level and treble off, also when listening to ambient in a darkened room I need it to be no higher than 3 notches. All music is recorded in Atrac3 132kbps


Yes I agree. I found the same problem with the stock earphones, but I too bought the sure E2C ear buds and find the volume now sits around a third output.

The only problem you need to be aware of, is that as these buds fit inside your ear canal you need to equalise the pressure by gently tilting them prior to removal. Otherwise dependant on the volume (sound pressure) you could damage your hearing upon removal.